In 2011, under the chairmanship of president Wei Neng Chi, Taiwan Association Philippine (TAP) founded its youth divsion, Taiwan Association Philippine Youth Legue (TAPYL), with Mr. Deng Feng Lin serving as the founding president. The TAPYL was founded with the mission to encourage young Taiwanese entrepreneurs and second generation Taiwanese businessmen in the Philippines to join the Taiwan Association Philippines. In lining with the trend of global youth Taiwanese business organizations and to give more emphasis on the identity of young Taiwanese entrepreneurs, ‘Youth League’ was renamed to ‘Youth Chapter’ in September 2013. Since then, Taiwan Association Philippine Youth Chapter (TAPYC) has been a self-sustaining organization with an established system of membership fees.
TIAMYC currently has more than 40 members, with more members growing rapidly. Members are from various industries, such as food, restaurant, real estate, furniture, construction material, and chemicals. TAPYC is currently at the sixth term, with Ms. Shirleen Hsieh as the president.