泰國台灣商會聯合總會青商會幹部團隊於 5 月 21 日早上參加總商會新館揭幕儀式。下午則邀請幾位青商代表參加與總商會及僑務委員會 童振源委員長的座談會,並在晚上參加泰國台灣商會聯合總會 30 週年慶晚宴。
TTBAY joined TTBA 30th Anniversary Celebration
On the morning of May 21, the officers of TTBAY participated in the opening ceremony of the new building of TTBA. In the afternoon, several representatives of TTBAY were invited to join in a symposium with OCAC Chairman Tong Zhenyuan, and in the evening to participate in the 30th anniversary dinner of the TTBA.