The Indonesia Taiwan Chambers of Commerce Junior Chapter (ITCCJC) held its 4th Term 3rd General Meeting on the November 3 2019, hosted by ITCCJC president MS. Taffy Chang, Taiwan Deputy Representative Xiao Zhenhuan in Indonesia, Head of Overseas Chinese Affairs Department Zhang Shuyan, Secretary Xu Junyong, Overseas Chinese Affairs Commissioner Lai Zhaozhe, ASTCCJC President Mr. Johnson Chang, and 70 ITCCJC member representatives. In addition to reporting the recent promotion of conference affairs and reporting on various future work plans, the conference promoted members’ understanding of conference affairs and enhanced exchanges. There were also many new members who joined ITCCJC family during the event. Taiwan representative in Indonesia Amb. Chen Zhong, the also joined in for dinner,and gave few encouragements to young overseas businessmen. Indonesia Taiwan Chambers of Commerce (ITCC) presideng Ke Shengsheng and ITCC Secretary-General Wang An also attended the meeting, and the scene was enthusiastic.
Amb. Chen Zhong affirmed that ITCCJC will shine this year, and all the previous presidents of the ITCCJC have taken a long way to go. Honorary president Mr. Richard Tseng and honorary president Johnson Chang will serve as the presidents of the World Youth Chamber of Commerce and the Asian Youth Chamber of Commerce, respectively. Mr. Liu Shihao was also selected as the Third Overseas Outstanding Youth of Republic of China. The current ITCCJC president Ms. Taffy Chang, hoped that the young overseas business entrepreneur will continue to work hard to build a splendid life for themselves and their family business. President Ms. Taffy Chang thanked the Overseas Chinese Affairs Committee and the station, as well as the seniors and members of the overseas Chinese community for their support. The ITCCJC will continue to provide members with diversified and high-quality services to promote exchanges.
This membership meeting also invited representatives of Yuanta Financial Holdings and PWC CPAs to share the sustainable operation and inheritance investment plans of Taiwanese businessmen, and provide Indonesian Taiwanese businessmen with relevant regulations and practices on capital management and capital return to Taiwan. The participating youth businessmen responded enthusiastically. In addition, member’s children were also arranged to make potted plants, and also conducted an educational forum to promote gender equality in the family. The Overseas Chinese Affairs Committee, encouraged young entrepreneurs to actively participate in the recent economic and trade seminars of the Overseas Chinese Committee, return to Taiwan to participate in the election of Taiwan’s 15th President and Vice President, and announce the overseas Taiwanese identification card.