


Capital vancouver



The TJCCNA was established in 2004 and entered its 18th Term with more than a dozen active branches across North America. The purposes of the establishment of the TJCCNA are to encourage the new generation of overseas Taiwanese businesspeople to inherit and pass on the torch and to join the Taiwanese Chambers of Commerce in different regions of the world, to use an innovative mindset and a global perspective to connect overseas youths to promote organizational affairs, and, in turn, to enhance the development of international trade and economic relations. Last but not least, to direct the TJCCNA into local mainstream societies to achieve the sustained continuous development for the Taiwanese Chambers of Commerce of North America.

Past and Current TCCLAJC Presidents

  1. TJCCNA Presidents Paul Y. Chen, Los Angeles, USA 2004/7/1-2005/6/30
  2. Lynn Wen, Los Angeles, USA 2005/7/1-2006/6/30
  3. Anya Lo, Los Angeles, USA 2006/7/1/2007/6/30
  4. Kelley Liu, Dallas, USA 2007/7/1-2008/6/30
  5. Michael Chen, Chicago, USA 2008/7/1-2009/6/30
  6. Jimmy Liao, San Diego, USA 2009/7/1-2010/6/30
  7. Brian Lee, Los Angeles, USA 2010/7/1-2011/6/30
  8. Sophie Lin, Northern California, USA 2011/7/1-2012/6/30
  9. Arthur Chow, Dallas, USA 2012/7/1-2013/6/30
  10. David Yang, Vancouver, Canada 2013/7/1-2014/6/30
  11. Amy Wu, Los Angeles, USA 2014/7/1-2015/6/30
  12. Kuo Cheng-Yung, Chicago, USA 2015/7/1-2016/6/30
  13. Justin Wei, Seattle, USA 2016/7/1-2017/6/30
  14. Ken Shen, Los Angeles, USA 2017/7/1-2018/6/30
  15. Weil Wu, Chicago, USA 2018/7/1 -2019/6/30
  16. Yaoyao Chang, Los Angeles, USA 2019/7/1-2020/6/30
  17. Danny Chen, Orange County, USA 2020/7/1-2021/6/30
  18. Jack Wu, Northern California, USA 2021/7/1-Current
Capital Los Angeles



  1. Taiwanese Junior Chamber of Commerce San Francisco Bay Area, Established in 2009.
  2. Taiwanese Junior Chamber of Commerce Seattle: Established in 1987.
  3. Taiwanese American Junior Chamber of Commerce of North California: Established in 2004.
  4. Taiwanese Junior Chamber of Commerce New York: Established in 2017.
  5. Young Taiwanese Merchants Association of Toronto: Established in 2006.
  6. Taiwanese American Chamber of Commerce Los Angeles: Established in 2000.
  7. Taiwanese Junior Chamber of Commerce Chicago: Established in 2003.
  8. Taiwan Chamber of Commerce in British Columbia: Established in 2002.
  9. Taiwan Chamber of Commerce Gainesville: Established in 2015.
  10. Detroit Taiwanese Chambers of Commerce Junior Chapter: Established in 2017.
  11. Taiwanese Chambers of Commerce New England: Established in 2010.
  12. Taiwanese Junior Chamber of Commerce Miami: Established in 2007.
  13. Taiwanese Junior Chamber of Commerce Orlando: Established in 2011.
  14. Greater Dallas Taiwanese Chamber of Commerce Junior Chapter: Established in 1992.
  15. Taiwanese Chambers of Commerce in Orange County: Established in 2017.

The above information was collected as of 2020/05/20: total of 15 active chapters