

Indonesia Taiwan Chambers of Commerce Junior Chapter, ITCCJC

印尼台灣商會聯合總會青商會 (Indonesia Taiwan Chambers of Commerce Junior Chapter, ITCCJC;簡稱印青) 為印尼台灣商會聯合總會 (簡稱印總) 附屬組織,印青同時所屬亞洲台灣商會聯合總會青商會 (簡稱亞青) 聯盟一員。

為鼓勵旅居印尼的青年台商及台商第二代加入台商會,使其得以傳承並發展,印總在總會長劉國良先生任內,於2012年8月正式成立附屬青年組織 – 印尼台灣商會聯合總會青年團,並由曾遠喆先生擔任創團團長。為配合全球青年台商組織趨勢,更加強調青年台商主體性,將“青年團”更名為“青商會”,故於2014年12月,正式更名為印尼台灣商會聯合總會青商會。印青亦於創會起,即設有理監事暨會費制度,完備自主經營性。



第一屆 曾遠喆 任期:2012年6月 – 2014年6月

第二屆 劉仕豪 任期:2014年6月 – 2016年6月

第三屆 張詔雄 任期:2016年6月 – 2018年6月

第四屆 張雲喬 任期:2018年7月– 2020年11月

第五屆 楊順凱 任期:2020年12月–至今




The Council of Taiwanese Chambers of Commerce in Indonesia – Junior Chapter (ITCCJC) is an affiliated organization of the Council of Taiwanese Chambers of Commerce in Indonesia (ITCC), and is also a member of the Asia Taiwanese Chambers of Commerce Junior Chapter (ASTCCJC).

To encourage young Taiwanese businessmen and the second generation of Taiwanese businessmen living in Indonesia to join the Council of Taiwanese Chambers of Commerce in Indonesia, an affiliated youth organization was formed under the chairmanship of Mr. Guo-Liang Liu. The Council of Taiwanese Chambers of Commerce in Indonesia – Youth League was officially established in August 2012, with Mr. Richard Tseng serving as the founding president. In line with the trend of global youth Taiwanese business organizations to put more emphasis on the identity of young Taiwanese businessmen, ‘Youth League’ was renamed the ‘Junior Chapter’ in December 2014. ITCCJC is a self-operating organization with an established system of directors and supervisors with membership fees.

ITCCJC currently has more than 90 members, and the numbers are growing rapidly. Members are from various industries, such as food, textiles, footwear, furniture, automobiles and motorcycles, mechanical and electrical engineering, civil engineering, hardware machinery, chemicals and logistics. So far, ITCCJC has entered the fourth term, and with Ms. Taffy Chang currently serving as president.




List of current and previous presidents: